About my work
This weblog has a main intention and is entertainment. To tell good stories, so then you can tell these same stories to others. But all of them are based in history, culture, art... This isn't a weblog just to read and to have just a good time. Yes, you will have a good time, but at the same time you will learn many things about many topics in a short time. I have passed all my life reading and I see a big trouble with almost all books, and it's that sometimes they're a bit exasperating to read because there's a lot of dates, information without relevance... And finally you read a book of 500 pages and the relevant information could fill 100 pages. In my posts I only put the essence of the topic. I only try to make the dirty work so you can read only the most important. The site has 12 main categories: 1- Mythology and Fantasy: About beings, events, stories, things... linking to mythology and fantasy. 2- Legends and Tales: I always liked legends and tales. I think that it's a good way to learn about human relationships trough a fictitious situation. Sometimes it's difficult to see a solution for our troubles, but is more easy to see a good solution in other person. To see the troubles far away makes us to have a better perspective. Tales and legends have this effect. 3- Comic and Cartoons: People who make comics and cartoons make a big artistic work, and they and their works must be recognized and remembered. 4- Art: This section goes about art in general, artists, artworks, videos... The videos in this site are carefully chosen. I recommend you to see them. Most of them go about art or nature, always of great beauty, and frame the subjects. You will also watch images of classical artists and new artists. 5- Music: In this category you can find songs, lyrics, bands, musicians, singers... I always liked heavy metal. When you like this genre you get in touch with people of all ages. People older than you that tell you about rock in the 60s or 70s. And you hear that music, and in my case I got to like this music more than my generation's. I began to hear that old music: Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix... And I saw in all that a new world to discover. I read a lot of biographies, heard a lot of old works and I saw a big world with influences in other musics. I discovered the blues (I love playing blues in my guitar), country, world music, jazz, folk... All those styles are in the music of genius like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Jethro Tull... Since I was a child, I also heard classic music: Debussy, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky Korsakov, Bach... All this music you can find it here, may be old music, sometimes not, but I only make you a different proposal. Maybe you could discover something too. 6- The life of: It goes about people who deserve to be remembered. 7- Cinema and Movies: You will find here movies, actors, directors, lists of the top ten films... I don't want to make the typical list of details of actors, directors, production, etc. Because this isn't a cinema page. I will only emphasize the argument, anecdotes... 8- Nature and Animals: I love nature. For me this section is very important. I can't live away from nature and usually I need to go to the country. I like animals. I have a cat. I love cats. I think that cats are the most intelligent and frisky pets. I have an aquarium too, with tropical fishes, and cockatiels, and in my home there are many plants. My home is in front of the sea, I love the peaceful life. To know about nature and animals makes to have a big respect for life. And that is very important. Helps to respect to others and to have more respect to oneself. 9- Frontier of reality: Treats about events that are in the limits of what science can explain. 10- Thoughts: It's the most personal of the sections. With it I just show my own thoughts, opinions, dreams, memories... 11- About designs: Goes about my work, my experiences when I create a design, what inspired me... 12- Resources: Resources for design or computer users, and also some of my works like Photoshop brushes, wallpapers, tutorials... About me
-Emma Alvarez- © 2008 by Emma Alvarez. Link to this post without copying the text. Some Related Posts: If you liked this post, subscribe to Emma Alvarez Site or ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Something About Myself
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Hola, Enma, acabo de dejarte un comentario en inglés, pero ya veo que también hablas español. Me llama la atención que hables gallego... yo soy gallego. A ver si vamos a estar hablando entre paisanos!!
Soy Asturiana, pero a una edad muy temprana me fui a Coruña. Además mi padre era el director de La gran enciclopedia Gallega de ahi la conexión.
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