Flamboyant Gothic is the last phase of Gothic art. It was present in Europe between the end of XIV century and the beginning of XV. For all those of us who love Gothic art, these images are absolutely inspiring. Enjoy them.
 Burgos Cathedral (Spain). Photo by marcp_dmoz
 Segovia's cathedral (Spain). Photo by TiM_BiG
 Stadhuis van Gouda(Nederland). Photo by joosteto
 Toledo Cathedral (Spain). Photo by chicago boulevardier
 Rouen St Maclou Church (France). Photo by putneymark
 The Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres (France). Photo by turloughmor
 Saint-Maclou, à Rouen (France). Photo by stephanemartin
 Amiens Cathedral (France). Photo by cavorite
 Le Château de Vincennes (France). Photo by Frédéric de Villamil
 Moulins Cathedral (France). Photo by jean-louis zimmermann
 St Severin Church (France). Photo by phcatfish
 Milan Cathedral (Italy). Photo by skpy
-Emma Alvarez-
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These old buildings are magnificent! It would be cool if someone built them like this now days. But, then, I guess these wouldn't be so special to us.
Thank you for sharing this. You post the most interesting things!
Thank you Su! I wrote the country where they are, for someone who wants to visit them.
But one is being built now - Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. These buildings take generations to complete and Sagrada Familia is no exception. It was started in the late 19th century and construction is still underway. And it IS all the more special for that.
The style of Flamboyant Gothic is from XIV and XV centuries. Everything similar did after that is inspired in this style. I am also a fan of Gaudi, and as an Spanish I'm very proud of this artist. I wrote an article about him, you will surely be interested on it: Antonio Gaudi, The Awesome Architect
But I also think as Su, that constructions of nowadays are mostly cold, minimalist and lacking of interest.
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