Spanish Forest

My husband Jordi and I have made this product: Spanish Forest

25 photos, made by my husband, in a beautiful place of Spain called Planes de la Baronia.

JPG format: 3000 x 2000, 300 dpi - High detail!!!

Bonus: minitutorials: how to create dreamy backgrounds, how to make brushes for Photoshop with the photos, and how to install them.

- For your personal & commercial projects

- To create NEW backgrounds for commercial or personal use

- As a reference for your paintings

- Can be used as a merchant resource

- For your websites, blogs, web templates, forum signature banners...

- For scrapbooking, photomanipulations, renders...

- Endless possibilities...

Get it now as launch price 15% Off!!!

spanish forest photos photo resource stock photo

-Emma Alvarez-

© 2008 by Emma Alvarez. Link to this post without copying the text.

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