I have done this product for Renderosity "Christmas Construction Kit". The product consists in:
- 10 High Resolution Backgrounds (Size 2200x3200, 300 dpi )
- 10 X-Mas decorations (png files with 300 dpi)
- 10 Frames (Size 2200x3200, 300 dpi )
- 20 Glowing brushes for Photoshop CS and up
To get it, go here: Christmas Construction Kit
 To purchase join Renderosity. Joining is free. The payment can be via Paypal or credit card. Stay tuned for discounts.
This week, and only until next Thursday it is 30% off.
 This product is very useful, you can combine the backgrounds with the frames, and add the glow brushes and the ornaments. Place your own characters. Endless possibilities, let your imagination fly.
 It's for commercial or personal works. With this product you can make all that you want for these Holidays: greeting cards, wallpapers, posters, banners... And all can be printed because all images have 300 of resolution.
If you are in Renderosity, today my product appeared in the newsletter. Enjoy it!

-Emma Alvarez-
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