Until this October 27th (next Tuesday), DeviantArt is giving free shipping to your home, so you only have to pay for the artwork that you purchase. The price varies with the size of the printing.
So now you can acquire some of my works without additional cost. As many people are curious on how my artworks are made, I will tell you a little.
All my works are made using mixed media techniques. I often use my own brushes. I give out many of them for free weekly here. Other brushes, or bigger resolution, I sell them through Renderosity.
I use modified Poser models as reference (position, proportions...). These models, as well as other additional objects, are later fully re-painted later.
I often do color changes, or turn them to gray scale and color them by hand completely. Lights are important in my work. They are drawn by hand using basic brushes and various techniques.
Many objects are drawn free hand, and then I apply Photoshop styles to them creating a 3D effect this way.
Another technique that is often used by me is airbrushing and traditional painting. Sometimes, but in rare occasions, I use photos as reference, that are later completely re-painted.
The time that it takes to make each artwork varies depending on the details, or even the times that I change the composition, and is an average of 20 to 30 hours, sometimes even more, and sometimes when everything turns out well, a minimum of 10, but this is unusual.
All my works have many details that are hard to see in a screen. Here I show you some of them. Enjoy them!

 The Unicorn Under The Moon (detail)
 Wrath Of Kraken
 Wrath Of Kraken (detail)
 Dragon's Return To Lost Island
 Dragon's Return To Lost Island (detail)
 The Gothic Fae Lady
 The Gothic Fae Lady (detail)
 The Lineage Of Unicorns
 The Lineage Of Unicorns (detail)
-Emma Alvarez-
© 2008 by Emma Alvarez. Link to this post without copying the text.
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This is very interesting! Wow! You put a lot into your designs. It shows, too. I love your things. The "Fae Lady" looks a little like your photo on this page. How cool!
Thanks for sharing your design techniques.
Thank you Su! yes Fae Lady is very similar to me everybody says it LOL!
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