Top Best 55 Photoshop Tutorials For Professional Photographers

Some people think that photo retouching started with Photoshop. But it may be more precise to say that photo retouching started with photography.
The best photographer has always been that who got a better final result. The photographers that have mastered better the techniques of retouching have always been the most popular and remarked professionals.
All the fashion and movies photographers have always retouched their photos.
But the old retouching needed time and money. Nowadays, with Photoshop, this is not an excuse.
Doesn't matter if you are a professional photographer or amateur, here you are all the techniques that are mastered by all the professional photographers of the world.

(Click the images to go to the tutorials)

Glamour Effect

Landscape Retouch

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Photo Retouch

Advertising Design

Color Effects


Old Effects


Many of the designers that use Photoshop work on web design. For working as a professional of design, you need to have a presence on Internet. For that, you need to use a service of domain name registration, and you should consider to have dedicated servers, or a cheap web hosting.

-Emma Alvarez-

© 2008 by Emma Alvarez. Link to this post without copying the text.

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Susanne49 said...

Hi Emma,

this is absolute great post here! I like it how you presented this in different categories to the people: just an easy click on the picture and "Voila", as you say...the HELP is there!

Great post! Thanks for sharing it.

Emma Alvarez said...

I'm glad Susanne you like it :)

Steph said...

Wow! Great post. I'll definitely be using these tutorials in future.

Emma Alvarez said...

Great Steph, will you tell me.

Greeneyezz said...


Great Info Emma.

Thanks so much for sharing it.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! These are fantastic, and very helpful for me!!

Sincerae (means "Morningstar") said...

Hello Emma,

The photos are absolutely gorgeous. I love them all, especially the exotic ones. I've put your blog under my Blogs with Class listing.

Keep up the very good work.

Also I almost got the name Emma. My paternal grandmother was Emma :)

Al-Jobory said...

I'm shocked Emma...tha was i'm looking for ever in the world...thank U (^_^)

malique said...

thanks for the mention, Emma! :)

Miguel Palma said...

Excellent, Emma!

Vlade said...

It's nice to see my work in your Best 55 list. Thx.

Té la mà Maria - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you

Gale Rainwater said...

nice post with some great tutorials

Emma Alvarez said...

Thank you Greeneyezz, Anonymous, Al-joroby, Miguel,Reus :), and Gale.

Sincerae I'm very pleased for having categorized my blog that way.

Malique and Vlade, thank you very much for your excellent work, and for sharing it.

Yadira said...

Emma, you ROCK!! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

HAI said...

thank you! That looks like a great resource

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Mainul said...

Really excellent tips sir. I think you have nice experience in designing.
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Keshav said...


You are a fantastic piece of art of god. U have blessed others life with such lovely resources. What better in the world than helping others out. God bless u n ur creativity.

Cheers, Keep Smiling..

Keshav Soni

website said...

This is awesome.....


C said...

I like eyes and old effects, You have done a great job dear. I really enjoy it. Dear Emma

March said...

Awesome!! Thanks for sharing!!

Me said...

Thanks for help
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Photoshop Clipping Path said...

A brilliant and resourcefully post

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful photo shoot. I am a professional wedding photographer loved the captured emotion on faces. Thanks for sharing.

Guía de Salud said...

Gracias, es muy interesante e util este post, los tutos fantasticos me van a ser de mucha ayuda


Anonymous said...

Wow, these tutorials are amazing, thank you so much for providing us with the links of the tutorials for the different techniques. I can use this with my project of having a collage photo frame .

katacenko said...

Great tuts, thanks!

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Unknown said...

Excellent !!!! I really enjoyed it!

Ambarawa punya said...


Brad G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I really enjoyed it U have blessed others life with such lovely resources. What better in the world than helping others out. God bless u n ur creativity. I can use this with my project of having a collage photo frame .

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed it

Unknown said...

Is there any
photoshop tutorials for changing body color?

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